EW Business

Quality Water Management for A Better Tomorrow

EW Business

Business Overview

With the experience in water management in eastern Thailand for more than 2 decades of East Water or Eastern Water Resources Development and Management Public Company Limited, eastern Thailand become model of complete water management in Thailand and, due to the continuous improvement to get ready to become leading water management business in Southeast Asia region, East Water brings up the idea to create 3W sustainable water system and provide service to the water consumer. The principles of this system are expanding Water Grid to Water Network and focusing on using every single drop of water worthily and eco-friendly using Water Complex in order to create stability of water supply system to economics of the country.

Water Complex

This is considered as systematical integrated water management structuring to match each type of industries, i.e. raw water, tap water systems,  clarified water system, RO water system, Reuse and Recycle systems, even the Demineral Water system used for electronics equipment manufacturing or the industries that use high pressure boiler or  the industries that have to use purified water in manufacturing process, especially drug, cosmetic, and laboratory industries, etc. 

The integrated water system service has an objective to respond to full water requirement in full function. East Water is ready to develop new projects with every organization in government sector, local administrator and private sector in order to create sustainability to water supply of the country.

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